At the beam expander output, we work with a collimating lens to convert divergent light beams into parallel beams at the beam expander output and collecting the light. Also a collimated lens can be attached to a light source directly for adjusting the focus position. These custom collimated lens have collimating light beams with high optical efficiciency, minimized divergent angle and energy loss.
High Power Taped Isolator FEATURES lUltra-compact size lLow Insertion Loss lHigh Isolation lPolarization Maintaining lRoHS Compliant Applications lHigh Power Amplifier lLidar lFree Space Communication
F-theta Lens Features: • For laser marking, engraving, drilling, cutting and soldering systems • Main wavelengths: 355nm, 532nm and 1064nm • UV fused silica for high-power laser applications • Low field-curvature and good focus quality throughout the entire image field